Infinitus Dream Scholarship


Instructions for completing the Spring of 2025 Application for Scholarships.

Print these instructions, read them thoroughly before you begin, and then follow them closely when completing your application.

Although we would like to be able to award a scholarship to every applicant, our funding is limited. This application is our opportunity to get to know you.

 Tuition only means we pay up to a maximum of $3,000 towards the tuition portion
of your education. Tuition does not include any books, fees, or other
costs. If tuition is less than $3,000 the award is reduced accordingly.

Please allow ample time to complete all parts of the application by October 31, 2024 for Spring 2025 scholarships.

Some components of this application will take several days to complete. Take that time into account.

 If you have any questions, please contact Mary Kay, by email

Decisions will be made by the Spring of 2025.